DSMX DSM2 互換2.4GHz 6CHレシーバー AR6210(特価)です。
・34.5×23×13 12.6g(本体7.9g+サテライトアンテナ4.7g)
Commodity parameters: Channel: 6 Channels Format: DSM-X (support DSM2)
Band: 2.4 GHz Dimension: 34.5 mm x 23 mm x 13 mm Weight: 12.6g Input
voltage range: 3.5-9.6V Antenna Length: Main RX:30mm Remote Controller
Note: The goods are packed in simple plastic bags, made in China.
Packaging List: Receiving Host*1/Receiving Small Satellite*1/Frequency
Line*1 for the code matching method with Walker control brusher.
The new receiver only needs to check the code once and remove the check
plug when the code is used.
★注): 当店のご利用前に必ずこちらを